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WJEC Examinations

Comprehensive information about WJEC Examinations


The suite gives candidates an opportunity to show their ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing Welsh - at different levels.  Qualifications can be gained by sitting examinations on specific days; they are open to adults who have learnt Welsh as a second language or who are currently learning.

The qualifications are for people learning in evening or daytime classes, on intensive courses or on workplace courses. You don't have to be enrolled in a class in order to sit an exam, nor to have taken the lower level exams first. 

The framework in the table below shows how the qualifications relate to the National Qualifications Framework and to the ALTE/CEFR framework.

Qualification Level in the Framework Framework of Reference (CEFR)
Mynediad / Entry Mynediad A1
Sylfaen / Foundation 1 A2
Canolradd / Intermediate 2 B1
Uwch / Advanced 3 B2



Dyma'r dyddiadau ar gyfer arholiadau'r Haf 2024:

Lefel Dyddiad
Mynediad Haf (Dydd) Dydd Mawrth, 11/06/2024
Mynediad Haf (Nos) Nos Iau, 13/06/2024
Sylfaen Dydd Gwener, 21/06/2024
Canolradd Dydd Gwener, 14/06/2024
Uwch Dydd Mercher a Dydd Iau, 19/06/2024 a 20/06/2024.


If you are learning on a course run by a Learn Welsh course provider, the exams are free.

Otherwise, you must register as a private applicant and there will be a fee to be paid.

If in doubt, contact your local exam centre.

You can register to sit the 2024 Welsh exams by contacting your course provider.

The deadline to register for Summer 2024 exams is 1 March 2024.

Private candidates can still register for an exam but will incur a fee.

For more information please contact your course provider.