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If you work in the education sector in Wales, there’s a great choice of Welsh courses for you.


Learn Welsh courses for the education workforce are available nationally and are free of charge.

There's a wide choice available, including:

  • Courses tailored for the education workforce.
  • Online self-study courses.
  • Learn Welsh courses in the community, face to face and online.
Who can follow the courses?
  • Qualified teachers in, or searching for, employment
  • Newly qualified teachers searching for employment
  • Supply teachers/assistants
  • Individuals currently training to be a qualified teacher
  • Teaching Assistants currently in employment
  • Leaders
  • Advisory teachers
  • Non-teaching staff

If you work in Further Education or Higher Education, we have a separate scheme that funds Learn Welsh courses for these sectors.

Learn Welsh Levels

Courses are available at different learning levels, from beginners to experienced learners:

Entry: A course for beginners, which introduces the present, past and future tenses.

Foundation: This level requires some experience of Welsh.  There will be opportunities to discuss everyday subjects such as family and friends, work and interests.

Intermediate: This level is suitable for those who are familiar with the main patterns of Welsh.  There are opportunities to develop conversational skills, with a little more writing, reading and listening.  

Advanced: Learners will discuss all kinds of subjects and themes.  Learners also develop their reading, writing and listening skills.  The main aim is to enable learners to become confident speakers.

Proficient: This level is for fluent learners and Welsh speakers who wish to build confidence to use and enjoy their language skills.  The course will be tailored to the needs of the class.

Further details are available in the Language competency framework for education practitioners.

What our learners say

Anna Secondary Teacher, October 2022
For the first time ever I am feeling okay about actually trying to speak it! I am using more Welsh words and phrases in the classroom and encourage my students to do the same.
Perla Teaching Assistant, October 2022
As a TA and working in a school environment it allows me to participate in the children’s Welsh learning journey.

Which course?

If you'd like help to choose a course, use the Learning Wizard below.  If you choose a community-based course with a cost, you will receive a discount code from your local provider to receive the course free of charge. 

Learning Wizard
Before you start your exciting language journey, help us by answering a few simple questions…

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Childcare Workforce

If you're a childcare practitioner, we have tailored courses available here.

Youth Worker

If you're a Youth Worker, we have tailored courses available here.

Higher and Further Education workforce

If you work in a Higher or Further Education Institution, tailored courses are available through the Work Welsh / Cymraeg Gwaith project.