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Amdani Festival of Reading

Welcome to Amdani Festival of Reading

What is Amdani Learn Welsh Festival of Reading?

The festival celebrates the 'Amdani' series of books for Welsh learners.

The festival was held virtually between 4-8 March 2024.

You can read more about the festival below.

Amdani Festival of Reading writing competition

Thank you to everyone that gave our Amdani Festival of Reading writing competition a go.  You can read the winning entries below:

John Jarvis

Congratulations to John Jarvis.

John won first place in the Amdani Festival of Reading writing competition.

John reviewed 'Gorau Glas' by Lois Arnold.

Fiona Young

Congratulations to Fiona Young.

Fiona won second place in the Amdani Festival of Reading writing competition.

Fiona reviewed 'Chwedlau Cymru: Ceffylau' by Fiona Collins.

Jon Mier

Congratulations to Jon Mier.

Jon won third place in the Amdani Festival of Reading writing competition.

Jon reviewed 'Gangsters yn y Glaw' by Pegi Talfryn.