Do you like the idea of learning in the traditional way - by attending weekly classes? If so, this is your kind of course.
There are several learning method options for this kind of course:
- Face to face: in a classroom
- Virtual: in a group, with a tutor
- Combined (face to face): elements of online self-study as well as face to face lessons in the classroom
- Combined (virtual): elements of online self-study as well as lessons in a virtual class (over Teams/Zoom)
These courses are offered on all learning levels - Entry, Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced, Fluency. Therefore, there is a course for you, whatever your language level.
Usually, a full level will take 120 hours of learning time. The number of learning hours per week can vary (usually 2-4 hours/week); and there's also an opportunity to learn intensively (e.g. full-time for a fortnight).
There's an option to sit WJEC exams on Entry, Foundation, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.
This is an opportunity to study amongst other learners of all ages and backgrounds.
You will not need to pay for this course if you are between 16 and 25 years old.
Specific courses for 16-25 year olds will be offered once again from September 2023 onwards. A link will be available here once these courses are advertised.
You can search for a course using the Course Wizard below. As you register and input your date of birth, the course fee will be deducted. If you'd like to discuss the options, you can click here to see contact details of local providers.