Ask Lance Bradley

Lance Bradley, Chief Executive of the Ospreys rugby club, has started learning Welsh.
He follows one of the National Centre for Learning Welsh’s Work Welsh Courses, the scheme that strengthens Welsh language skills in workplaces.
One of the Centre’s providers, Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Area, has been supporting the Ospreys, by holding weekly Welsh lessons for staff.
It was Lance’s idea to start the class, and he has attended every lesson, even one from Antarctica! He was on holiday there, so decided to join the lesson online.
Staff are already using more Welsh at work. They have learned Welsh rugby terms, included Welsh messages on social media, and even ask who wants tea in the office in Welsh!
How are the lessons going? We ask Lance…
Why decide to learn Welsh?
I’ve been lucky enough to work in a number of countries, and I’ve always tried to learn some of the local language. I find it interesting, and I think it’s respectful.
Do you speak any other languages?
I can get by in French, and to a lesser extent in German.
What do you enjoy most about learning Welsh?
The challenge! It’s unlike any other language I’ve tried to learn. Our tutor, Emyr is great, too.
Where do you practise speaking Welsh, outside the classroom?
I speak as much as I can to staff in the office who are also learning Welsh. Speaking Cymraeg a little bit every day helps.
What impact do you hope these lessons will have on the club?
We’re a Welsh club, so should be using the Welsh language. When we move to our new stadium in San Helen next season, we plan to make sure Welsh features prominently.
Do you hope to use your Welsh at work?
One day, I would like to be able to hold a conversation in Welsh. My shorter term aim is to be able to start an interview on S4C in Welsh.
What’s your favourite Welsh word?
Smwddio (ironing).