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Let's celebrate learning Welsh with BBC Radio Cymru

Let's celebrate learning Welsh with BBC Radio Cymru

Dathlu dysgu Cymraeg!

During 10-17 October, a week-long celebration of learning Welsh will be held on BBC Radio Cymru – Wythnos Dathlu Dysgu Cymraeg - where Welsh learners will be taking part, presenting and chatting to Radio Cymru presenters.

Tune in every morning at 8.30am to listen to Aled Hughes, and at 11am for ‘Bore Cothi’ where presenter Shân Cothi will be speaking with different Welsh learners about their experiences.

Welsh learners will also be joining presenters Georgia Ruth, Ifan Evans, Huw Stephens and Rhys Mwyn during the week and choosing their favourite tracks. Ifan Evans will also be announcing the result of the vote to find Welsh learners’ favourite Welsh song.

Tune in to the daily news programme, Post Cyntaf, each day at 7am, and the ‘Dros Ginio’ programme, which will have interesting discussions about the Welsh language.  There will be news bulletins every evening at 8pm prepared especially for Welsh learners.

Presenter Geraint Lloyd, during his late shift programmes, will be speaking with Welsh tutors from all over Wales about their work and what inspires them to teach Welsh. And don’t forget the ‘Sioe Frecwast’ (the Breakfast Show) on Radio Cymru 2 at 7am with Caryl Parry Jones and Daf Du, where guest Francesca Sciarillo, who won the Welsh learners’ medal at the National Urdd Eisteddfod last year, will be choosing her favourite Welsh songs.

Aran Jones from language learning ap SaySomethingInWelsh will be keeping Beti George company at 1pm on Sunday, and all the highlights will be available as a podcast by going to and clicking on Pigion.

Follow us on social media #dathludysgucymraeg #learncymraeg, and enjoy listening to BBC Radio Cymru all week!