Getting to know Elys

Y Llais on S4C is a Welsh version of The Voice and there are many Welsh learners on the programme.
Elys Davies from Bridgend is on Bronwen's team and has started learning Welsh again since being on the programme.
We caught up with Elys…
Sut wyt ti – how are you, Elys?
Dw i’n dda iawn diolch! I've just come out of the Dragon studios after recording for Y Llais!
What is it like to compete on Y Llais?
It’s an absolutely amazing experience and every single person working on the show is so special. There’s a real family vibe, and everyone is welcoming and supportive.
I'm so glad I applied to be on the programme. I wasn't sure if I should, as I don't speak much Welsh, but when they said I didn't need to be fluent, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to start learning Welsh again.
So, have you been learning Welsh before?
Yes, I did GCSE second language Welsh at school, but not enough people wanted to take it as an A Level, so I couldn't continue with my Welsh after that.
I always wanted to start learning Welsh again, and this was the perfect opportunity!
Do you enjoy singing in Welsh on Y Llais?
Yes – very much! I have to understand the meaning of the song before I start learning the lyrics, that’s how you get a feeling for it - so I learn a lot of new words. It's a different way of learning a language but I really enjoy it!
I also follow the SaySomethingInWelsh app, and I watch a lot of S4C and take advantage of every opportunity to practise my Welsh when we’re filming Y Llais.
How did it feel to have all four coaches turn their chairs towards you?
It was great! I would have been overjoyed with any of the four, but Bronwen was my first choice. When I saw her chair turn, I relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the performance.