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Musician’s dream of a life in Wales comes true

Musician’s dream of a life in Wales comes true

After years of longing to live in Wales and learn Welsh, one woman from the Wirral has finally achieved her dream.

Siân Davies spent eighteen years living in the Wirral, where she was raised in an English-speaking household.  But as she looked over the River Dee at the mountains in north Wales, she dreamed of living on a farm there one day.

"I always felt like I had some sort of connection to Wales," Siân explains.  "I had a difficult childhood, so I would imagine being on a farm in Wales, with my family and loads of animals - it was a dream for me!"

Siân left school to study the violin in Birmingham, where she met her husband, Ed Wadon from Wrexham.  The couple now live on a farm in Llannerch Banna, with their son Robin Llŷr, and recently, Siân discovered a family connection to the area after all - her great-great-grandfather used to farm very close to where they live.

Siân began learning Welsh before lockdown with SaySomethingInWelsh.  Later, she joined an online class with Popeth Cymraeg, who provide Learn Welsh courses in north east Wales in partnership with Coleg Cambria, on behalf of the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

Siân is now learning at Advance level, and has ventured into the world of tutoring.  She teaches two Entry-level classes for beginners every week and loves it.

Siân says, "I love teaching with Popeth Cymraeg, and I want to continue.  I want to encourage other learners to keep going, as I have.  I’ve learned Welsh, so others can do it too - it doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from.  We need to speak Welsh to ensure the language stays alive in every corner of the country."

Siân does her best to use Welsh in the local community.  With the support of language initiatives, Menter Iaith Fflint and Wrecsam, she has established the Cymraeg Bro Maelor group.  Her wish is to hold violin lessons for children through the medium of Welsh, to use more Welsh in church, and to start a Welsh-language community newspaper one day.

Siân added, "I want to grow the Welsh culture and language in the area, and I’m keen to ensure the village children get more opportunities through Welsh.  Learning Welsh has been so beneficial to me.  It’s made a difference to my well-being, and I’ve made so many friends since starting to learn the language.  The Welsh community, both speakers and learners alike, has been so welcoming and friendly since I started my journey to learn the language."

Dona Lewis, Chief Executive of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, said, "It’s wonderful to hear how learning Welsh has enriched Siân’s life - huge congratulations to Siân on her language journey, and best wishes with the tutoring."

Imgae - Siân with her husband Ed and son Robyn, taken by Kamila Kosior.