Statistics 2017-18
Learn Welsh Statistics
Learn Welsh programme data is managed by the National Centre for Learning Welsh.
A central database collates information on all learners as they register online to follow a course. This information includes details about the learner (e.g. name, address, date of birth) and the course (e.g. level, location, learning intensity).
The data collected by the Centre differs to the data collected for the sector in the past. The method of recording the data is also different.
Publishing data for 2017-2018
Following the implementation of the Centre's Data Management Plan, the first full year of data available to share is for the 2017-2018 academic year (1 August 2017 – 31 July 2018).
The statistics are published in full on the Welsh Government website, here is a summary.

Previous publications
Number of unique learners
The 'number of unique learners' counts every learner only once, regardless of the number of courses they have attended during the year. In 2017-2018 there was a total of 12,680 unique learners.
This is a national baseline for the sector. It will be possible to make year-on-year comparisons from the baseline established under this new structure.
Learning activities
Learners can attend more than one learning activity at various levels and intensities during the year. For example, a single learner can attend a 170 - 259 hour course at Entry level as well as a 'per hour' course at Foundation level during the period in question. This is considered as two learning activities.
In 2017-2018 there was a total of 19,490 learning activities.
Learning levels
Learning opportunities are offered at five levels within the Learn Welsh programme.
In 2017-2018 51% were at Entry level. Entry is the first learning level for beginners. 18% were at Foundation level with 31% at Intermediate or Advanced levels (including Proficiency).

Learning intensity
Learning opportunities are offered at five levels of intensity within the Learn Welsh programme. The ‘intensity’ is defined according to the tutor-guided contact hours. This provides flexibility for learners to choose a course that best meets their needs.
In 2017-2018 42% of these opportunities delivered courses between 50 and 79 hours.
One of the Centre’s strategic objectives is to offer more intensive courses, which enable learners to learn the language more quickly. In 2017-2018 12% of these opportunities delivered more than 110 hours of learning.
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Future data
The Centre will publish data for the Learn Welsh sector on an annual basis. It will be possible to make year-on-year comparisons from the new baseline published above.