Learn Welsh Statistics 2020-2021
Learn Welsh programme data is managed by the National Centre for Learning Welsh.
A central database collates information on all learners as they register online to follow a course. This information includes details about the learner (e.g. name, address, date of birth) and the course (e.g. level, location, learning intensity).
The data collected by the Centre differs to the data collected for the sector in the past. The method of recording the data is also different.
The 2020-2021 data includes activity during the pandemic period. The activity of the sector was affected by the end of face-to-face learning during March 2020. This is partly reflected in the 2019-2020 data and partly in the 2020-2021 data. Funding for the Centre's Work Welsh scheme was reduced in April 2020. As a result, it has not been possible to offer intensive courses at all levels but the choice of self-study courses at Entry level has been increased. The reduction to the scheme's funding continued until the end of March 2021, and so data from 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021 was affected.
Publishing 2020-2021 Data
This data is for the 2020-2021 academic year.
- These statistics relate to all courses that ended between 1 August 2020 and 31 July 2021.
- 2017-2018 was the national baseline, we can therefore make year by year comparisons thereafter.
- Work Welsh courses run from April to March. For the purpose of these statistics, only courses that have come to an end by July 2021 have been included.
- Data for 2020-2021 compared to 2019-2020 data includes fewer learners following the self-study courses at Entry level.
- A high number of learners accessed the Entry level self-study courses at the start of lockdown, and this is reflected in the 2019-2020 data.
- The 2020-2021 data compared to 2019-2020 data includes more learners learning at higher levels.
Number of unique learners

The number of unique learners counts every learner only once, regardless of the number of courses they have attended during the year.
- In 2017-2018, there were 12,680 unique learners.
- In 2018-2019, there were 13,260 unique learners.
- In 2019-2020, there were 17,505 unique learners
- In 2020-2021 there were 14,965 unique learners, a reduction of 15% compared to 2019-2020
- The lower number for 2020-2021 reflect the lower number of learners following the self-study courses at Entry level.
Number of learning activities

Learners can attend more than one learning activity at various levels and intensities. For example, a single learner can attend a 170 - 259 hour course at Entry level and an additional 'per hour' course at Foundation level during the period in question. This is considered as two learning activities.
- 2020-2021 learners attended 29,175 learning activities, a reduction of 3% when compared to 2019-2020
- Learners have followed more learning activities per head during 2020-2021, therefore learning more intensively.
Learning Levels

Courses are offered at five levels within the Learn Welsh Programme.
- In 2019-2020 68% of learners were at Entry level. 11% were at Foundation level with 19% at Intermediate or Advanced levels (including Proficiency).
- In 2020-2021 63% of learners were at Entry level. 14% were at Foundation level and 23% at Intermediate or Advanced levels (including Proficiency).
- During 2019-2020 the funding for the Work Welsh programme was significantly reduced which affected the April 2020-March 2021 period and it was not possible to continue to provide intensive courses at all levels but the courses at Entry level were increased.
- During 2020-2021 there was an increase in the learners following Foundation, Intermediate or Advanced level course (including Proficiency).
Age of Learners

The age of learners is calculated from the first day of the academic year. For 2020-2021, the age of the learner is calculated from 1 August 2020.
- In 2020-2021 there are 12,795 learners within the working age group (16-64 years old), which is 86% of all learners.
- The proportion of learners within the age group 16-24 has increased by 2 percentage points compared to 2019-2020.