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Camau Plan

"Since increasing Welsh-medium early years childcare provision is essential to our aim of achieving a million speakers, we need to ensure a coordinated plan to develop this important workforce."

Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers

Camau Welsh Learning Courses

Camau courses are ‘Work Welsh courses’ which are bespoke for early years and childcare sector. We provide these courses through self-study methods and we now offer a 60 hour Entry, Foundation and Intermediate level course. The course includes the subjects listed below.





  • understand simple day to day phrases and use them in a childcare setting
  • discuss days of the week and the weather
  • give direct commands and simple instructions
  • discuss feelings and desires
  • discuss likes and dislikes, giving reasons
  • count and use numbers
  • discuss colours and shapes
  • discuss events in the past
  • discuss the time
  • discuss future events
  • discuss the weather in the present, past and future
  • ask and answer questions about nature and playing outdoors
  • discuss looking after pets and animals
  • ask and answer questions about travelling
  • discuss food and drink
  • ask and answer questions about favourite things
  • discuss where you and others are going
  • give commands
  • compare people and objects
  • change the emphasis in simple sentences
  • give instructions that are relevant to everyday routines in a childcare setting
  • describe actions and feelings
  • discuss playing with sand and water
  • discuss surroundings
  • discuss objects (e.g., toys) during play time
  • discuss making pictures and painting
  • give advice, using ‘should’
  • express opinions and provide reasons
  • emphasize information
  • discuss things that have happened to us
New Skills

For a full list of the new skills you will learn on this course, select the links below:

All learners are expected to achieve approximately one unit per week. The course should take approximately 10 weeks to complete. Support will be available to all learners from your organisation. 

For more information please email or visit the Cwlwm website to contact them.

Is this course suitable for me?

Before committing, take a look at the following definitions to ensure you are at the correct level for the Foundation or Intermediate course.

Camau Case Studies

Testimonial of a Camau learner – Victoria McAllister. Registered childminder from Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Victoria found the Camau training fitted well with her working day. Being able to access the training remotely, at a time that was convenient with the flexibility to work through the units at a pace that worked for her made the training manageable. The content is relevant to Victoria’s provision and the downloadable top tips document for each unit are “excellent” and good to have as print outs to help as visual prompts in practice.
Victoria McAllister. Registered childminder from Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Victoria’s advice to those thinking of taking up the training would be: “Take your time. Print off and highlight a phrase a day and create opportunities to use it with the children. Don’t get disheartened if you can’t remember everything. Practice daily with the children and make it fun”.
Name of setting: Clwb Cywion After School Club - Emma Tasker. Senior Playworker.
Emma likes the ease of use and repetitions on Camau and is now “using everything the course gave her”. Emma would recommend CAMAU and states: “The camau course is excellent as it teaches you words and phrases which you will use in your childcare setting! There are loads of videos to help with pronunciation and it even explains treigladau.”
Setting: Busy Bugs. Busy Bugs.
This time last year we used very little Welsh in the setting, we only had a few Welsh signs and sang 1 or 2 Welsh songs. We are now using it much more. We greet each other in Welsh, ask how we are and also participate in activities with the children in Welsh. We now have Welsh conversations with families, all our work is now bilingual and any correspondence we send home bilingually. We sing songs during circle time in Welsh and read Welsh stories.
Aberporth Bilingual Playgroup. Bilingual Playgroup.
Before embarking on the Camau project we used the Welsh language mainly in our songs and telling stories. I used it in a very simple way to teach the children. However, since completing Level 2 on the Camau project it has significantly improved Welsh being used and implemented, both on a personal level, as a team and in the activities we provide. I am now able to speak Welsh with much more confidence, having a deeper understanding of the language.
Testimonial of a Camau learner– Debra Hughes, registered childminder, Wrexham.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed learning Welsh through the Camau courses and very proud to have achieved part 1, 2, 3. I love the Welsh language and culture and enjoy sharing what I have learnt in my setting with the children. I look after 2 children that are bilingual so the courses are perfect for me. Equally their parents are very pleased and proud that I have completed the courses. Although they have never pressurized me to do so.. they are grateful that I have taken the time to learn.

Camau courses are infectious.... you complete part 1 and just know you want to carry on. The courses are very well laid out and each unit compliments the other. I particularly like the ‘revisit’ of previous unit before you start the next, to check knowledge etc.

The graphics and videos used are brilliant and everything is explained well. Help with pronunciation is very handy within the videos. The courses are just the right length but with plenty of learning and information in. The notes section is very handy during the course.. and I love that I could print each section. I have learnt a lot of Welsh songs and I use these in my setting. (very good part of the course).

The pride I feel when one of my little ones say a Welsh word that I have taught them is incredible. Da iawn Little Pumpkins!

There is always help and advice either at the end of the phone or email with Briant Rees, she is so helpful and patient!

I highly recommend the Camau course to people that want to learn Welsh.”

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