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Introducing Cysgliad

Cysgliad is a software package for your PC. The package comprises of two main programs, Cysill and Cysgeir. Cysill is a program that identifies and corrects language errors in your Welsh-language documents. Cysgeir is a collection of various dictionaries in convenient electronic format.

Click on the videos below to get a step-by-step presentation on how to use different features within Cysgeir and Cysill.

Introducing the main features of Cysgeir

How Cysgeir deals with mutations and verbs

Choosing words wisely - the Cysgeir disambiguator

Singular and plural in Cysgeir

Grammatical gender of nouns in Cysgeir

Using Cysgeir in Word and Outlook

Checking spelling and grammar with Cysill

Checking sentence length with Cysill

Auto correcting in Cysill

Using the Cysill thesaurus

Using the Cysill verb conjugator

Using Cysill with other applications