Do you know an individual learning Welsh with 'Work Welsh' 2021-22. Does the learner deserve an award for their great progress at Entry level? To nominate click the above link, before 18 February.
Do you know an individual learning Welsh with 'Work Welsh' 2021-22. Does the learner deserve an award for their great progress at Foundation level? To nominate click the above link, before 18 February.
Work Welsh Learner of the Year (Intermediate level)
Do you know an individual learning Welsh with 'Work Welsh' 2021-22. Does the learner deserve an award for their great progress at Intermediate level? To nominate click the above link, before 18 February.
Do you know an individual learning Welsh with 'Work Welsh' 2021-22. Does the learner deserve an award for their great progress at Advanced+ level? To nominate click the above link, before 18 February.
Do you know of an employer taking part in the 2021-22 Work Welsh scheme that deserves an award for Employer of the Year? If so, get nominating, click the above link, before 18 February.