Work Welsh Further Education/Higher Education
Work Welsh in Higher Education
Work Welsh in Higher Education continues to grow and develop. This year (2019-20) over 240 members of staff from universities across Wales have registered to receive training via online lessons and events in order to upgrade their Welsh language skills.
With funding from the National Centre for Learning Welsh and with the support both of Welsh universities and of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol the scheme is set to run for the fourth consecutive year.
University staff have already taken advantage of this scheme and will be able to continue to do so. Staff who complete this year’s provision will have receive 120 hours of training.
Tutors have been funded at all Welsh universities to train staff who would like to improve their Welsh language skills via tailor-made online courses at a range of levels.
By boosting the Welsh language skills of university staff the aim is to expand Welsh-language provision for students, to improve the student experience and to promote the use of Welsh in the workplace.
For more information about Work Welsh in Higher Education please contact Dr Owen Thomas (, who is coordinationg the scheme on behalf of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Work Welsh in Further Education