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Hwyl y Nadolig magazine

Hwyl y Nadolig magazine

Do you enjoy reading?  Reading is a great way to practise your Welsh, why not give our Hwyl y Nadolig (Christmas fun) magazine a go...

The brand new magazine features interesting articles for learners at every level, from from Mynediad/Entry to Uwch/Advanced.  Enjoy!

Select the button below to open the magazine, or you can read a copy by following the next link - Hwyl y Nadolig magazine.

Cystadleuaeth Casa Dolig


Congratulations to David Richards for winning our competition.

David has won a copy of 'Casa Dolig' recipy book.

David wrote about his favourite food over Christmas:

''Fy hoff fwyd dros y Nadolig ydy twrci.  Dw i ddim yn bwyta twrci ar unrhyw amser arall o'r flwyddyn.  Mae twrci'n wledd Nadolig a fydd bob amser yn arbennig.  Fel plentyn, roedd noswyl Nadolig yn amser i'r teulu i sgwrsio, gyda llaeth oer a brechdanau twrci poeth. Atgofion hyfryd.''