Work Welsh 2021 Award: Learner who has made the best progress at Entry level
WINNER: Kris Davies, Work Welsh Extended Online Self-study Course Learner, Bridgend County Borough Council
Kris has been following the new, innovative Work Welsh course – an Extended Online Self-study Course – on Entry level since November 2020. Kris has made great progress in a very short amount of time, as well as during a difficult period. Kris has made an effort to make digital learning a part of his daily language journey, and has taken full advantage of the support available through the Work Welsh scheme, attending revision sessions and chat sessions regularly. It is astonishing that Kris now uses his new Welsh skills to chat naturally in Welsh.

2nd: Thomas du Prez, Work Welsh Further Education Scheme Learner (Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai)
Thomas started learning Welsh in September 2020 as a complete beginner. Thomas comes from South Africa originally, and is now a lecturer at the Physical Education Department. Thomas has fully embraced the opportunity to learn Welsh, and his progress and confidence to use the language is to be highly praised. He doesn’t miss a single lesson, and he has a healthy interest in grammar, as well as in the Song of the Week, and expands his skills by reading.
High Praise:
Adam Hodgkinson, Dyfed-Powys Police
Mark Barrett, Cardiff University
Celia Baxter, Coleg y Cymoedd
Gavin Llewellyn, The College Merthyr Tydfil
3rd: Clare Davies, Online Self-Study Work Welsh Course Learner (Babcock Training)
Clare was one of the first at Babcock Training to take advantage of the new Online Self-study Work Welsh course. She has embraced the opportunity and challenge to develop her skills, and has shown full commitment since the beginning. She is also an inspiration to her colleagues, is keen to help others, and is an ambassador for the course.